In Anina, we have the legal availability of a historic building (former mine restaurant) which, we will modernise in 2020 thanks to the financial help of the Renovabis German Association, we are totally renovating it, to make it suitable for the management of a Day-Care Centre dedicated mainly to children and kids in difficult social situations. In general, the projects are as follows, most of which are already underway.
For children of 6-14 years, management of afternoon courses for after school (homework help), drawing, English, geography, history, music (piano and guitar but also listening education), sports, folk dance (to keep traditions alive and to bring together by customs), other courses according to the needs and availability of suitable teachers.
For children who have never been to school, management of remedial courses to compensate for lost years.
For children of 2-5 years, building and management of a kindergarten for Roma children (but together with other no-Roma children).
For children of 5-13 years, building of a small playground.
For children, teenagers and adults, building and management of the "open-air cinema" (there is no cinema in Anina) for the screening of films and documentaries with indirect educational aims.
For children, teenagers and adults, establishment and management of an interfaith meeting point to provide - for those who believe - a catechism for children.
A kind of oratory, managed by religious staff.
For adults, creation and management of an adult meeting place for food education courses and meetings, health education courses and meetings for disease prevention (importance of personal and environmental hygiene), literacy courses, particularly for illiterate mothers and/or pregnant women who do not know how to behave (unfortunately we have many examples of damages caused by an uncorrected pregnancy).
For children and adults, creation of a laboratory with some equipment for teaching simple crafts (craft activities), knitting, sewing, model making, etc ...
The project is described in detail below