


Broșura RO    Pieghevole IT



The report is sent every year to our members. It contains the details of all the costs, according to the different structures. It is not allowed to publish it on the website but it will be sent through e-mail to the ones who require it( also the non-members).

How you can help us...

Asociația Il Giocattolo

  • Sediu: 325100 Anina – Brădet, BL 14, Ap. 9 – Jud. Caraş-Severin (România)

  • Înscrisă în reg. Asociaţilor Judecatoriei Oraviţa cu nr. 3 în data 28/7/2010

  • CIF: 27205091

Phone contacts

  • Tel. RO, Mobil +40 (0)728 82 21 86

  • Tel. RO +40 (0)721 16 27 04

Email contacts


  • General coordinator, Gianluca Farina:

  • Secretary, Florentina Demetrovici:

Very easily you can find us in the new headquarters of Anina in strada Postei n. 9 (building known as the old restaurant of the mine).